My Love / Hate Relationship with Technology

As many of you may know, I have never been a big fan of technology as I believe that it has caused a lot of problems in our society. However, being here in Peru has definitely shed a new light on technology for me.

Thirty years ago during my first volunteer experience in Mexico, it was before technology- before Internet, email, cell phones…. I was working about 30 miles south of Tijuana on the Baja coast of Mexico. Every Saturday, I would take travel over an hour to cross the border back into the USA in order to use the pay phone at the McDonald’s right across the border. I was dating Brian at the time, and this was our weekly contact besides the letters that we would write to each other. I would also call my parents to let them know that “I was still alive.” It was a time in my life which was really lonely, and I was truly on my own as I had no way to stay in touch with my friends and family. I was especially worried about that sadness and loneliness happening again while here in Peru.

Fortunately for me, I forgot that technology has happened since the year 1994. It’s crazy how easily it is to stay connected. I can use “What’s App” or Facetime to call my family. I get and receive texts. I can even work here – holding meetings with Colorado through Google Meet. If I wanted to, I could even place an order on Amazon. I might as well be in Colorado.

On the other hand, there is a part of me that still hates technology as I truly believe it has caused us to disconnect from one another. I thought this was a first world problem- that is until I got to Peru. Here people are living in poverty, wondering if they will have enough food to eat, and guess what, they still have cell phones. At the school, we still have to instill a “no cell phones in class” rule as kids are on their phones instead of paying attention in class. As the moms make breakfast for the school (remember – cooking over an open fire using sticks to stir the food), I watch their little ones absorbed by viewing “shows” on the family tablet. It’s truly surreal to see this dichotomy of extreme poverty and expensive technology happening. For me personally, I can’t understand how cell phones and tablets are prioritized over basic necessities, but they are. The addiction to cell phones and technology is as great here- in one of the poorest parts of Peru- as it is in affluent America. It truly blows my mind!



3 responses to “My Love / Hate Relationship with Technology”

  1. Sam Gero Avatar
    Sam Gero

    Wow and somehow I’m not surprised. Thanks for doing this blog!

  2. ChrisAnn Barber Fernandez Avatar
    ChrisAnn Barber Fernandez

    I am very surprised to hear that the families have cell phones and other technology in the poorest part of Peru. It does seem strange that families that are struggling to afford food, have technology. It brings to mind, a bit, of people in Denver who stand in line for food while smoking, drinking, and displaying arms or legs full tattoos.

  3. Cindy Avatar

    Wow, that is sad that technology overtake much of their time in these youngsters. Social media has been affected and continue to our mental health well being. Thank you for sharing Jen.



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